Y A W N:

Jaws gape.
Lips spread wide.
Arms strecth.
There's that quick inhale
and the long aaaaahhhhhhhhh.
Yawning yet?
yawning is an ancient, primitive act.
Everybody yawn.
That include all animals.
But, do you know?
You can't yawn on command?
Yawning is a little like sexual climax.
The facial expressions are similar
(You can now view your yawning friends in a "completely different light"!)
If you're forced to stop midway,
it's frustrating
and unsatisfying.
The original theory was
that we yawned when we needed more oxygen.
But I tell you: That's not true!
Because even we inhale pure oxygen,
we continue to yawn away...
we do the inhale,
we do the hard bite,
kind of clenching our teeth,
we are trying not to be rude
(by not yawning in public)
But I am thinking,"Sweet!
you are reading my post!"
Yawning yet??
(Beware, it's extremely contagious!)
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