
"Thank You"
So I can set the sail,
Pull anchor, and cast away.
I ll feel the wind at my back.
While keeping my eyes onto the horizon.
I may stay on shore.
But I will be able to make a choise,
after all,
Life is about making a choise..
I believe the nicest N sweetest days are'nt those on which anything very splendid
or wonderful or exiting happens,
but just those that easy simple little pleasures,
following one another softly,
like pearls slipping off a string...
"Thank You"
There is NO companion that so companionable as
It's just sitting in silence
listening attentively to the whisper of my heart,
waiting expectantly
for my spirit playing my own song.
Then let my heart awakens to the gratefulness.
My silent companion lits the lantern of love
to illuminate the path of wholeness in me.
Then I'll see how my live is
and who lives w/me..