
In welcoming the Holy Month Rammadhan (that's almost over) I'd like to contribute my tought:
As everybody notice,
there is much talk nowadays about clashes in between the Moslem world N the West caused by bad civilization.
Unfortunately the clash comes from the wrong-interpretations of other religions -not civilization, for civilizations as the mean of communication are the best part of human creation.
Therefore civilization will not cause any kind of clash.
Religious have been used throughout history as a cause of war, that kill many people.
Speaking about religions, they are all the same everywhere.
It's the way to find God, the Higher Power, The Most Powerfull.
The reason to have positive values,
the righteous of improving to be a good human being..
Thou' that doesnt mean if a person doesnt believe in religion is not a good human being.
I was born and raised in the influence of both Islam N Christianity, therefore I have a very very good understanding of religious tolerance, especially in between the two,
Otherwise, if I had not been experienced living in between, I would have been having a hard time to "be naturale"
I feel God presences in my life,
N when I love others, I feel God is in my heart.
Killing is not done because of God,
but because of subsidiarized N demoralized,
w/o any future Nor any kind of human dignity.
It s very easy to get such people to turn into fanaticism.
The western notes that Moslem are killing non-Moslem so they will go to heaven while sleeping with a lover is a definite wrong doing.
- Well, I think sleep w a lover is much more enjoyable than killing others.
Tis' life is closed to these significant people,
but these people believe that everybody will have justice in the afterlife.
I think the current fatasicm is coming from the poor because the poor are dejected.
The world is dealing with them in an inhuman way,
they feel being tormented.
As religion is being used as a cover for social unrest,
a way to empower the frail people.
There is a separate Islam for the poor and for the rich.
The rich use religion to ensure the status quo,
they are pleased N dont want any change.
But the poor wants to see the changes,
because they are disspossessed too much.
we -the Moslem has claim that we are now better educated N more moderate.
Oh..But can anyone remember that we cant just shout,
N again, do not to forget tht we really have a bad records abt the roles of woman (amongst many other issues too).
We should take a chance now to prove ourselves by must act in the moderate ways.
I believe for the right of everybody to form a religious life,
but it must do so according to worldly-wise means.
The last part but not least:
The discussion about the role of woman in Islam world:
I just wish we -Moslem people dont see women as women,
rather as human-beings instead.
So nobody have to encourage any woman,
introducing the issues is like dealing with women as vurnerable member of society.
And that s not wht our prophet Mohammed (blessed be His name) taught us......
Had the holy prophet taught us to respect our mother 3 times??, to have many passions to our wives??
and to protect our daughter??
..can everybody not to agree with these??
On the other side,
Yo!..Pope! You shouldn't lecture Moslems!
If we believe that peace is a desirable goal,
then all of us, including the Pope (I refer to Our father: Pope Benedict XVI) should try to resolve conflicts rather than start to inflame them.
The Holy Father should be having a better smart mouth to not to say wht would fire the Moslem.
It's a good rule to talk only about your own faith, not someone's else.
I quit going to any extremist religious sermon,
because the sermon is somekind of a lecture of why everybody else in this whole universe was wrong,
except "us".
It's a challenge to believe that we are the chosen people..
The Baptists are wrong because they used a piano in their service,
The Methodist are wrong because they springkled instead of dunked,
The Jews are wrong because they rejected Jesus,
The Catholics are wrong because they worship idols,
The Protestant are wrong because they make some changes,
And of course The Moslem are wrong because they dont believe in Jesus as a Savior..
For the confused whose trying to figure out life,
such denimination carping had no appeal..
As for the Pope putting his foot in his mouth,
many of non-Moslems apparently do not know that the Holy Prophet Mohammad is to Islam wht Jesus is to Christianity.
The non-Moslem never hear even once Moslem insult Jesus in any way.
The Moslem put Jesus as a Holy Prophet and they respect Jesus.
While the Prophet Mohammad is both the innitiator and a direct catalyst of God, any insult directed against Him (blessed be His name) will create bitterness on Moslems.
Now, shall we talk about killing in anykind of war as a violence??
The Crusades were not about but Loot.
When the Crussaders controlled Jerusalem,
they kill everybody:
-men, women N children;
Moslem N Jews.
Because they wanted all the possessions in the city.
They would later ruin Byzantium, a Christian City,
for the same reason.
Any unbiased comparison between the history of Islam and Christianity in term of wars will clearly hand the peace prize to Islam..
It wasnt Moslem that slaughtered 212 million people in the 20th century,
the present Pope, of all people, should know that..
This fact should brings any European or person of European descent to the most warlike; war-loving tribe in the whole human race title!
Peace is a sweet things......
we should keep our noses,
our troops
and our mouths out of other people's business....but to OURSELVES!
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