
Find wonder in little thing

walk through the land in the length of it
and in the breath of it....

When we stroll
we give passionate attention to the detours around us
and to our lives.

Be bare foot,
No days so difficult that it cant be made easier by taking off shoes and socks!

We'll make it,
I promise....
Fight with me..
as long as our heart is in the right place,
we are going to be



In Transition:
I love to be alone,
I've never found a companion that was so compasionate as solitude..

Prayers begin by talking to God
but it ends by listening to God.

One of the most soothing sounds of nature is the laughter of falling water.


The scent of memories


The foreground of life depends on the background.

What the heart has once owned and had,
it shall never lose.

Experiences of the moments are tomorrow's memories..